$50,000 Awarded through the DRA

Prosperity Eastern Iowa (PEI) has been awarded a $50,000 Core grant from the Dubuque Racing Association for implementing the Field of Opportunities initiative. 

The DRA funding will create a regional marketing effort partnering with Travel Dubuque highlighting the local assets and tourist destinations in Dubuque, Delaware, Jackson, and Jones Counties.  With DRA grant funding, an interactive map of regional assets created through the DRA Core grant awarded in 2022 will come alive on the Travel Dubuque website featuring key attractions in the region. 

Additionally, the Core grant will assist PEI with implementing a regional marketing campaign; regional selfie stands and scavenger hunts; and bike rental programs. The proposed project implements a regional marketing effort created around the excitement of the Field of Dreams expansion and will encourage tourists to remain in the region to visit the smaller communities and experience more of Eastern Iowa.

DRA Grant Award for PEI Ecia.org News Item 634 x 366 px

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